Skin diseases are common diseases. All of us have sudden pimples, and burning or red itchy skin. These problems should not be taken lightly. Many people even get cancer due to these skin problems. So this skin disease cannot be neglected.
Let’s know about some common skin diseases
- Acne
- Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
- Psoriasis
- Alopecia Areata
- Measles
- Skin cancer
- Cellulitis
Let us know briefly about these skin diseases
An increase in androgens such as testosterone during puberty can cause acne, regardless of gender. Acne depends on the level of oil glands on the skin. All such places are the face, upper chest, and back.
Acne is a long-term disease of the human skin which is characterized by red skin, papules, pimples, oily skin, nodules, scars or cuts, etc.
In addition to inducing fear, anxiety, and depression, its main side effect is a loss of self-confidence. In extreme cases, depression, and suicidality can occur. One study found that suicide rates in acne patients were 7.1%.
Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Atopic Dermatitis ( eczema ) is a disease that makes your skin dry. Also causes itchy or inflamed skin. This Disease is more common in young children. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease and sometimes flares up which is very annoying. But it's not a contagious disease.
Following regular skin, moisturizing, and other skin care practices can relieve itching. Treatments include medicated ointments and creams.
Psoriasis is a common and chronic skin disease. This disease causes scaly patches on the skin, which may have a reddish tinge or slight bleeding when removed.
The cause of this disease is still not known in detail. However, if the disease occurs in the ancestors of one's family, the chances of developing this disease are high. It is not an infectious or contagious disease.
Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata usually results in hair loss that leaves one or more bald spots on the scalp. Alopecia areata is not a contagious disease. The disease usually occurs in other family members later in the offspring as a result of familial genetics. This problem causes small bald spots on the scalp. In about 2% of cases, the problem may spread throughout the head.
Measles is a contagious disease. This disease spreads through sneezing and coughing. If an infected child or someone else in the household is infected, the disease can be spread through their sneezes or through shared items. For this reason, if someone has measles at home, he must be isolated. Because measles is a viral disease.
Skin cancer
skin cancer refers to the uncontrolled growth of skin cells. We often notice red, flaky, and various patches on the skin and dismiss them as the effects of pollution and climate. But we have to understand that these can also be early symptoms of cancer.
So if you notice a slight change in the texture and appearance of the skin, immediately consult a doctor for specific tests. Being safe is more important than getting hurt.
Cellulitis is not a contagious disease. It can be mastered easily. Cellulitis is a disease that primarily affects the lower body. Sometimes it can also affect the face or hands. Bacterial infections cause the skin to appear red and swollen and feel extremely sensitive to the touch.
It can be serious if not treated on time as the infection spreads through the bloodstream through the lymph nodes.
So, if you see any symptoms of this disease, consult a doctor immediately.
There are also many other types of skin diseases. It is not possible to tell about all the diseases in one article.
Apart from the diseases that I have discussed, if you know about any common disease, then you can comment to me and I will write an article about it and publish it.
- Bacteria can get stuck in your pores or hair follicles causing skin diseases.
- You may have skin problems due to genetics.
- The presence of fungi or parasites living on your skin can cause skin diseases.
- Viruses can also cause skin diseases.
- If you have diabetes, you may develop skin diseases.
Skin changes are not always caused by skin diseases. For example, wearing ill-fitting shoes can lead to blisters. When skin changes appear for no apparent reason, they may be linked to an underlying condition. Skin disease symptoms vary significantly depending on which condition you have.
Let's know about the symptoms of skin diseases.
- Dry skin- Dry skin is one of the symptoms of skin diseases.
- Flaky skin or rough skin- Flaky skin or rough skin is a symptom of skin disease.
- Ulcers, sores, or open sores are symptoms of skin disease.
- Skin inflammation is a common symptom of skin diseases.
- Peeling skin is also a symptom of skin diseases.
For skin diseases caused by environmental factors around you, it is very important to address the cause as soon as you get rid of your skin disease.
If you don't the disease is likely to recur. For example, rashes caused by insects in your mattress can be treated with medication and exterminating insects.
Each disease has a different treatment. Because every disease is different. That's why there is no single treatment that will work on every single skin disease. Only consulting a doctor can prescribe the most suitable treatment for you.
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Thank you from the alltime-healthy family for reading the article.
Always stay healthy and live a happy life.